Azumel Head Sculpt


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The Azumel are a species with six eyes which vary in color from blue to green or orange. They also have four fingers on each hand, and typically have a skin of gray, mottled brown, tan, or yellow color. During the High Republic Era, Jedi Master Cibaba was an Azumel serving the Jedi Order at the the Jedi temple on Alaris Prime, where he trained his Padawan, Tylera. An Azumel was also present in a bar on the planet Telerath when Jango Fett and Boba Fett met with bounty hunters. During the Clone Wars, an Azumel was a stagehand aboard Risha Synata’s ship. Argus Panox was a male Azumel played during Lando Calrissian and Han Solo’s first sabacc game on the planet Vandor. Printed in high quality flesh or grey ABS-like resin, and will require painting.

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