Kreetle Bug


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A parasitic, burrowing arthropod native to Tatooine, a Kreetle is often found in cities, homes, and other urban areas. Equipped with five pairs of legs, a tough reddish-brown exoskeleton, and large mandibles they give birth to their young in the form of maggot-like larvae. Kreetles thrive on garbage and vegetable remains, and can often be found in abandoned profogg burrows. Kreetles feed on flesh, whether living or dead. They attack in groups of 4 to 5, taking a bite and then retreating before moving in for another attack. These creatures share a symbiotic relationship with slaatik hagworms in the Lianorm Swamp. The word “kreetle” was sometimes used as an insult. Printed in ABS-like high quality resin, it will require painting.

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