Loth Cat


SKU: https://www.redflare.store/product/loth-cats Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Loth-cats are a non-sentient member of the feline Tooka species native to Lothal, often found in the grassy plains of that Outer Rim planet. They are small, temperamental creatures, and while at times friendly, were still able hunters with sharp teeth and claws. They are carnivorous, and were known to feast on Loth-rats. Loth-cats led solitary lives, coming together only to mate and raise kits. Loth-cats, when cornered, are very dangerous, and would fight against their would-be predators, most of the time going for the face, until they escape or the aggressor backed off. They wouldn’t typically attack creatures larger than themselves. Although very difficult, loth-cats can be domesticated, and they make good, albeit destructive, pets. With enough time and patience, they could even be taught to hunt and retrieve for their owners. Printed using ABS Grey Resin. Requires painting.

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