

SKU: https://www.redflare.store/product/worrt Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Worrts are a non-sentient species that hail from the desert of the planet Tatooine. These squat, large-mouthed creatures catch prey by sitting stationary in the sand and then using their purple prehensile tongues to wrap around passing rodents, insects or birds. They have brown, warty skin and a Worrt’s head features a pair of sensitive cranial palps, two bulbous eyes, two nostrils, and a large mouth. The mouth contains a purple prehensile tongue, and strong teeth laced with a venom potent enough to kill a Bantha! When hungry, a Worrt settles into the sand, becoming indistinguishable from a rocky outcropping, and waits for prey to pass by. When its victim comes close enough, the predator throws its purple prehensile tongue out of its mouth and wraps it around the prey. The Worrt’s prehensile tongue then snaps back, throwing the food down its throat, devouring it whole and belching loud. A Worrt is held in a tank at Oga’s Cantina in Batuu’s Black Spire, where it laid fresh eggs every day that were used as an ingredient in drinks, Printed in ABS-like high quality resin, it will require painting.

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