Wyyyschokk Spider


SKU: https://www.redflare.store/product/wyyyschokk Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


Wyyyschokk are a species of spider that lived on the planet Kashyyyk. They are highly intelligent and extremely hostile, and can ensnare prey by casting webbing at them from a distance, and would often wait to ambush their prey by attacking them from above or below. A notable subspecies was the Albino Wyyyschokk. Their eggs were used for a cake named Kashyyyk cake. Wyyyschokk were a large species of spider native to the planet Kashyyyk. Wyyyschokk were highly intelligent and hostile to most sentient lifeforms. They were capable of launching a web-like enzyme from their mandibles. Printed from high quality ABS-like resin the model will need some assembly and painting.

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