Updates and no Etsy

I made some updates and adjustments so now the front page and the initial shop page shows the latest items added. This is a super easy way to see what new items have come out across all sites. I also updated all data from all sites. I need to get that completely automated. Right now it’s mostly automated but there are some manual steps I can automate.

I was hoping to add some Etsy sellers too, but that can’t happen or two reasons. Etsy doesn’t allow any kind of automated scraping or product import. At all. So as much as I REALLY want to add some great Etsy sellers, I legally can’t. Not the way my current code is setup.

I’m seriously thinking about ditching WordPress and writing my own code. There are just too many hoops I have to jump through to make things work on WordPress. If i wrote everything myself I would have complete control.
